Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

it's about our religion and yours

Stranger: Hi
You: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: 17, Male, Finland; You?
You: 15, f, indonesa
You: indonesia
Stranger: So, what sort of religious beliefs do you have, if any?
You: moeslem, u?
Stranger: Technically I'm a christian, but I guess I'm sliding more and more towards atheism.
You: its ok
You: :)
Stranger: Do you think there is an afterlife?
You: yes
Stranger: What kind of an afterlife`
Stranger: ?
You: in my religion, we could be have life in heaven if you be nice in the world
Stranger: How are you nice in the world?
You: but if you are not, u live in hell, forever
You: what?
Stranger: How do you live a good life?
You: be a nice people, do my pray, not do some mistake
Stranger: Your religion doesn't accept gay people, so how can you be a nice person if you hate 10% of the people in the world?
because in my religion, all human are created in pairs
Stranger: Really, I didn't know that.
You: i'm not hate them.. but it just out of rules in my religion
Stranger: Why can't you make your own mind about it?
You: yes, u can find them in ours holy book
Stranger: Why must you do whatever the Qu'ran says?
You: bcause its what my God says
Stranger: Otherwise you go to hell?
You: not really, we hav sin
Stranger: What kind of proof is there that heaven and hell actually exist?
You: then weigh our deeds
You: in Qur'an we can found the proof that heaven and hell is exist
Stranger: But isn't Qur'an written by a man, not a god?
You: the man got inspiration of his dream, that's God command, to write Qur'an than say to people that Allah is real, and do all of in Qur'an
Stranger: Couldn't he have made a mistake while writing it? And if God is all powerful, why didn't he tell us himself? Why must he tell us his wishes through one man and through that one man's dreams?
You: no, because the man is who that God trust human, so the man willnot have made some mistake, all of your question you can find out the answer in Qur'an
You: if u think, who that made the universal? is that made before we was born? no, isnt..
Stranger: Does there have to be someone who made the universe? Also, are you saying the universe was created at the same time that humans were?
Stranger: You don't have any scientif proof for your beliefs. That is why they are called beliefs. Rationality isn't involved in religion. You don't possess any real facts if you take your views from religious books and such.
Stranger: scientific*
You: no, the universe have made a long long journey before the humans were..
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: That is a scientific fact.
Stranger: Who are what made the universe, is not known. Not even by any religion.
Stranger: Who or* what
You: yes i know, but if think,, if there not any God and the human of God that trust, we will not been here
Stranger: Why not? Why must there be someone who made us? Why couldn't have we evolved from apes as has been suggested?
Stranger: Why could have we been*
Stranger: Scratch that, the first sentence was properly written after all
You: do you want to be evolved from apes???? i'm not, human is a human, apes is some of the animals
Stranger: I'm not saying we are apes, I'm saying we might have evolved from animals similar to apes.
Stranger: You blindly believe that there is a force (God) that is bigger and greater than any human. Yet you are certain that we are the peak of all species.
Stranger: That confuses me.
Stranger: Do you think there ever can be creatures who are smarter than humans?
man is a noble creature on earth, therefore God created man to be a leader on earth
Stranger: What about other planets? Can there be other life forms there?
You: no, is it not, i hav think about your question, but only earth planet that we can live in there
Stranger: Yes, humans can only surive on Earth, as far as we know. How about other species?
Stranger: Maybe other sort of creatures can inhabit other planets and maybe they are smarter than us.
You: did u mean, some alien??
Stranger: Maybe.
Stranger: Do you belive they could exist?
You: what the proof?? where? how? u know, the distance of ours galaxy from the others galaxy is very far far away
Stranger: Where's the proof of God?
You: the universe
Stranger: And I'm not saying there definitely are aliens, I'm saying the universe is so huge, it would be downright egoistical to think we are the best life form there is.
Stranger: Have you ever thought maybe the universe just happened? There is no one who created it, it just happened.
You: ya, if u think with your logic, its right.. but if u think with ur faith, isnot
Stranger: Faith isn't logic.
Stranger: Faith is irrational.
Stranger: logical*
You: dont think some religion with your logical, u will not can find why,where,what,how,and who
Stranger: Why should I think irrationally? It's absurd. You belive that there is a big force that created the universe, just because some dude hundreds of years ago had a dream and wrote a book about it.
Stranger: You have no proof of God.
You: the Qur'an is my proof that God is real
Stranger: You choose to believe the Qur'an is the truth. It's not a fact.
Stranger: I'm so sorry, I have to go. I'm sorry if I upset you in anyway. Thank you for talking with me so openly about your religion. Thank you.
You: many fact hav in Qur'an
You: yaa, its ok
Stranger: I don't have a problem with your religion. It's your choice.
Stranger: I'm Ok with that.
You: maybe u can think again and hav some answered of your question
Stranger: Maybe.
Stranger: :)
You: :)
Stranger: Bye.
You: nice can chat with you
You: bye
Stranger: Me too.

susah yah ternyata meyakinkan seseorang tentang apa yang kita percayai, kadang kita harus kuat dengan apa yang kita percaya, ahahha, ini akan menjadi pelajaran bagi saya dan kehidupa saya di masa depan.. ckckck dasar stranger.. hahaha

NB:maaf kalo ada salah2 kata, ato salah2 pengartian, ato salah2 apapun itu, namanya juga saya belajar untuk mengerti.. :) be a nice people in earth!

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